
Public Holidays in Fiji (& Other Important Dates) 🗓️


What are the Public Holidays in Fiji?

Want to see how Fiji celebrates special events? Or perhaps you don’t want your getaway to clash with a public holiday when some businesses are closed? Whatever type of trip you are planning to this dreamy archipelago, you’re going to want to know when the public holidays in Fiji are. For holidaymakers, it might mean some shops and services are closed during these days, while workers will either get the day off or public holiday pay.

There are 11 official public holidays in Fiji, many of which celebrate various religious days to represent Fiji’s diverse population. Find out which days are public holidays in Fiji, plus, check out a few other important dates to know for staying in Fiji.

Overview: Public Holidays in Fiji

In short, the list of public holidays in Fiji is as follows:

  • January 1 – New Year’s Day
  • Friday before Easter – Good Friday
  • Saturday before Easter – Easter Saturday
  • Monday after Easter – Easter Monday
  • Closest Monday to May 14 – Girmit Day
  • Last Monday/Friday of May – Ratu Sir Lala Sukuna Day
  • Monday during Rabi’ al-awwal – Prophet Mohammed’s Birthday
  • October 10 – Fiji Day
  • Friday closest to Diwali – Diwali
  • December 25 – Christmas Day
  • December 26 – Boxing Day.

Where a public holiday falls on a Sunday (and sometimes a Saturday), the office holiday will be observed on the following Monday or previous Friday. For specific dates for the current year, take a look at The Fijian Government website.

public holidays in fiji© Pixabay

Official Public Holidays in Fiji and Why They are Celebrated

Fiji has a range of public holidays in order to reflect the cultures of Fiji and religious holidays, focusing on Hindu, Muslim and Christian holidays. Expect many shops and services to be closed on a public holiday. However, most services within resorts will still be available.

New Year’s Day

January 1, New Year’s Day, is an official public holiday in Fiji every year. While many in Fiji will celebrate the New Year much like anywhere in the world by counting down on December 31 until midnight on January 1, the festivities of New Year among some Fijian communities last one to two weeks. Check out Where to Spend New Year’s Eve in Fiji to learn more about the holiday.

Good Friday, Easter Saturday and Easter Monday

Easter is a religious holiday, celebrated with gusto in Fiji due to its significant Christian population. Easter Sunday and the public holidays surrounding it are celebrated with special church services throughout Fiji. Then, locals retreat to their homes to spend time with family.

Dates for Easter Sunday are changeable from year to year and are determined by being the first Sunday after the paschal full moon. Good Friday is the Friday before Easter Sunday, the Easter Saturday is, well, the day after, and Easter Monday is the Monday after Easter Sunday. Learn more in The Guide to Easter in Fiji.

Girmit Day

Girmit Day in Fiji, observed on May 14 but the public holiday is the closest Monday to that date, commemorates the arrival of Indian indentured labourers to Fiji in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. It honors their contributions and sacrifices, marking the end of the indenture system that significantly shaped Fiji’s demographic and cultural landscape. Learn more about Fiji’s multi-cultural population in our guide, Who are the People of Fiji? Population, Ethnicities & More.

Ratu Sir Lala Sukuna Day

Ratu Sir Lala Sukuna Day is a public holiday in Fiji, celebrating the life and achievements of Ratu Sir Lala Sukuna, Fiji’s first modern statesman and a key figure in the country’s history. It is observed annually on the last Monday (or sometimes Friday) of May, honouring his contributions to Fijian society and governance.

Prophet Mohammed’s Birthday

The Prophet Mohammed’s Birthday public holiday in Fiji celebrates the birth of the Islamic prophet, Mohammed. It’s a recognition of his contributions to Islam. The date varies, following the Islamic lunar calendar, but it typically falls in the third month, Rabi’ al-awwal.

Fiji Day

Fiji Day, observed annually on October 10, commemorates Fiji’s independence from British colonial rule in 1970. It’s a national public holiday, celebrating Fijian culture, history and unity through various festivities and ceremonies across the islands.


Diwali, a significant Hindu festival symbolising the triumph of light over darkness, is celebrated as a public holiday in Fiji. It typically occurs in October or November, aligning with the Hindu lunar calendar. Locals decorate homes and businesses with candles and exchange gifts and sweets.

Christmas Day and Boxing Day

An important Christian holiday, Christmas is celebrated in Fiji on December 25 and Boxing Day on December 26. Christmas is celebrated with church services and then time spent with family; usually with a lovo feast. Learn more about Christmas in our guide, Fiji Christmas Ideas: How to Spend Christmas in Fiji.

public holidays in fiji© Aaron March - Tourism Fiji

Other Important Dates in Fiji

Apart from the official public holidays in Fiji, there are a few other dates in the year that you might be interested in.

School Holidays in Fiji

  • 2 weeks at the end of April/beginning of May
  • 2 weeks at the end of August/beginning of September
  • 7 weeks at the beginning of December until mid-January

Festivals and Celebrations in Fiji

  • Holi – February or March
  • Holy Week – Week leading up to Easter
  • South Indian Fire Walking Festival – July or August
  • Friendly North Festival – August
  • Fiji Regatta Week – September

For more information on these festivals and celebrations, see the 10 Biggest Events in Fiji.

More About Public Holidays in Fiji

That’s it for our guide to the national public holidays in Fiji. Learn more about important dates and national events in the following guides:

Finally, plan more of your Fiji visit using The Complete Travel Guide to Fiji and 30 Tips for Travelling in Fiji.


Laura S.

This article was reviewed and published by Laura, editor in chief and co-founder of Fiji Pocket Guide. Since arriving solo in the South Pacific over 10 years ago with nothing but a backpack and a background in journalism, her mission has been to show the world how easy (and awesome) it is to explore a paradise such as Fiji. She knows the islands inside-out and loves sharing tips on how best to experience Fiji’s must-dos and hidden gems. Laura is also editor of several other South Pacific travel guides.

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